Research Focus:
Estimation of Weather Variables for Crop Growth Modeling, Risk quantification for Crop insurance pr
Research Abstract:
The vulnerability of agriculture to weather and climate fluctuations make them an important part of the crop production system but usually we do not have complete weather time series for crop production modeling. To cope with this, we are trying to identify the suitable techniques for (i) parameterization and evaluation of the solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed as compared to observations using estimated parameters from available neighboring stations and (ii) comparison of crop growth simulation results using observed and estimated weather. The outcome of the study will be helpful for risk quantification in different crops which can be further used in designing and development of crop insurance products.
Ashutosh Misra is a Postdoctoral Researcher in WSU since June 2014. Ashutosh has more than 5 years of experience in the field of crop simulation modeling and weather/climate induced risk assessment and management for various crops. ,Prior to joining this position, he was associated with world's leading catastrophe risk modeling firm Risk Management Solutions (RMS) where he was working on modeling of crop growth and yield with its application in crop insurance products for Asian market. He has also worked with Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (India) for about three year where he successfully led the application aspect of the Extended Range Forecast System project. This project was a multi-institutional Project to benefit agriculture livelihoods through its forecast by integrating risk management and climate science research involving leading institutions in India and abroad. On Educational front, Ashutosh holds a PhD degree in Agrometeorology from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Tech, India. He is also a member of several scientific organizations including Indian Meteorological Society, Association of Agrometeorologists, Indian Society of Remote Sensing etc.,