REACCH Scientists

John Abatzoglou
University of IdahoAssociate Professor, Geography

John M. Antle
Oregon State UniversityProfessor, Applied Economics

Erin Brooks
University of IdahoResearch Faculty

Ian Burke
Washington State UniversityAssociate Professor

Susan Capalbo
Oregon State UniversityProfessor and Department Head, Applied Economics

Sanford Eigenbrode
University of IdahoREACCH Project Director

Paul Gessler
University of IdahoProfessor, Co-Director Geospatial Laboratory and Environmental Dynamics

Dave Huggins
Washington State UniversitySoil Scientist, USDA-ARS

Jodi Johnson-Maynard
University of IdahoProfessor, Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences

Chad Kruger
Washington State UniversityDirector, WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture & Natural Resources, Director, WSU Mt. Vernon Northwest Washington Research & Extension Center

Brian Lamb
Washington State UniversityRegents' Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Stephen Machado
Oregon State UniversityProfessor, Dryland Cropping System Agronomist

David Meyer
Boise State UniversityAffiliated Research Professor, Organizational Performance and Human Learning

Phil Mote
Oregon State UniversityProfessor, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Kate Painter
University of IdahoAgriculture Economics Analyst

William Pan
Washington State UniversityProfessor, Scientist, and Extension Specialist

Timothy Paulitz
Washington State UniversityResearch Plant Pathologist USDA-ARS/ Adjunct Professor

Jeff Reimer
Oregon State UniversityAssociate Professor, Applied Economics

Richard Rupp
Washington State UniversityInfo Systems Coordinator, Crop and Soil Sciences

Bill Schillinger
Washington State UniversityPrincipal Investigator

Clark Seavert
Oregon State UniversityProfessor, Applied Economics

Claudio Stöckle
Washington State UniversityProfessor, Biological Systems Engineering

Jonathan Velez
Oregon State UniversityAssistant Professor

Von Walden
Washington State UniversityProfessor

Kattlyn Wolf
University of IdahoAssistant Professor

J.D. Wulfhorst
University of IdahoProfessor