AnhPhu’s last day is Monday, September 19. All data for the portal will now go through Erich.
Central Desktop is no more. GoToMeeting will end on September 24. I f you need a team virtual meeting, Dianne can set it up for you on Zoom.
Frontiers journal update- Jodi
REACCH Presentations at Tri- Societies. Dianne will be sending these to NIFA this week. So far, I have: Krill, Chad, Jackie, Eric Russell, Tai Maaz (2), Bill Pan, Isaac Madsen
We will have a final REACCH Celebration meeting in the new UI IREC building, focusing on the Impact book, considering just a couple hours of pithy “speed science “presentations”. We are considering a press conference before the event and we will have a REACCH social/dinner/band after the celebration meeting. Sanford and Dianne would appreciate volunteers to help plan this.
Dianne will continue to contact you individually to continue work on impact statements. Timeline?
Great news!!! UI successfully pettioned NIFA and we now have 90 days after Feb. 14 to close out the accounting on the grant. Have fund spending to the bitter end
EWG, please join and help recruit.
Please let Dianne know who still needs REACCH hats
Next integration call: October 21, Morrill Hall
Sanford has received the prestigious Jean’ne M. Shreeve NSF EPSCoR Research Excellence Award.
REACCH Qualitative Interview Summary and Request for Feedback:
Beginning in the fall of 2015, David Meyer and Linda Urban interviewed 28 REACCH participants, including the NIFA National Program Director, REACCH Project Director, as well as Objective Area PIs and others to better understand our collaborative experiences during the five-year REACCH project. The results have been put into a set of "mind maps" to provide an overview of the themes and key quotes supporting each theme.
David will review these findings, give tips on how to use the site, and make a request for feedback on these results. The series of maps can be viewed here:
LTAR - Dr. Huggins will provide an update on developments in the Cook LTAR and the network, the vision and action steps for building on REACCH legacy as part of this LTAR
Funding News
NSF EPSCoR concept has been submitted: Managing Idaho’s Food Production and Water Landscapes in a Changing Climate, Brooks, Abatzoglou, Johnson-Maynard, Gessler (JD and Sanford)
SCRI is being developed: topic - Fall-planted peas for diversifying, intensifying and sustaining PNW production systems, Burke leading
NIFA Climate CAP LOI has been submitted: Pacific Northwest Wheat-Based Systems: Landscapes in Transition, Johnson-Maynard, Brooks, Eigenbrode, Burke, McGee, Schroeder, Huggins, Seavert