

Custom Rates for Idaho Agricultural Operations: 2010-2011

(2011)   Patterson, P. and K. Painter  |  External Link

Patterson, P. and K. Painter. 2011. Custom Rates for Idaho Agricultural Operations 2010-2011. BUL 729, University of Idaho. 

Residue management impacts on field-scale snow distribution and water storage

(2011)   Qui, H., D.R. Huggins, J.Q. Wu, M.E. Barber, D.K. McCool, S. Dun  |  External Link

Qui, H., D.R. Huggins, J.Q. Wu, M.E. Barber, D.K. McCool, S. Dun. 2011. Residue management impacts on field-scale snow distribution and water storage. Transactions of the ASABE 54(5): 1639-1647.  

Practical lessons for successful long-term cropping systems experiments

(2011)   Schillinger, W.F.  |  External Link

Schillinger, W.F.  2011. Practical lessons for successful long-term cropping systems experiments. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 26(1): 1-3 (doi: 10.107/S1742170510000359).

Rainfall impacts winter wheat seedling emergence from deep planting depths

(2011)   Schillinger, W.F.  |  External Link

Schillinger, W.F. 2011. Rainfall impacts winter wheat seedling emergence from deep planting depths. Agronomy Journal. 103(3): 730-734. (doi: 10.2134/agronj2010.0442)

Barley production in North America

(2011)   Schillinger, W.F., R.H. McKenzie, and D.L. Tanaka  |  External Link

Schillinger, W.F., R.H. McKenzie, and D.L. Tanaka. 2011. Barley production in North America. In: S.E. Ullrich (ed.) Barley: Improvement, Production, and Uses. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Ames, Iowa. p. 241-251.

Survey of Rhizoctonia spp. from wheat soils in the U.S. and determination of pathogenicity on wheat and barley

(2011)   Schroeder, K.L, Shetty, K.K. and Paulitz, T.C.  |  External Link

Schroeder, K.L, Shetty, K.K. and Paulitz, T.C. 2011. Survey of Rhizoctonia spp. from wheat soils in the U.S. and determination of pathogenicity on wheat and barley. Phytopathology 101: S161.

Predicting seed-zone water content for summer fallow in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA

(2011)   Singh, P., M. Flury, and W.F. Schillinger  |  External Link

Singh, P., M. Flury, and W.F. Schillinger. 2011. Predicting seed-zone water content for summer fallow in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Soil & Tillage Research 115-116:94-104. (doi: 10.1016/j.still.07.005)

Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington High Rainfall Zone

(2011)   Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe, and W.L. Pan  |  External Link

Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe, and W.L. Pan. 2011. Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington High Rainfall Zone. WSU Extension Manual EM037E.

Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington Low to Intermediate High Rainfall Zone

(2011)   Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe, and W.L. Pan  |  External Link

Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe, and W.L. Pan. 2011. Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington Low to Intermediate High Rainfall Zone. WSU Extension Manual EM037E.

Impact of Climate Change on Irrigated Tree Fruit Production

(2011)   Stockle, C.O., J. Marsal, J.M. Villar  |  External Link

Stockle, C.O., J. Marsal, J.M. Villar. 2011. Impact of Climate Change on Irrigated Tree Fruit Production. Acta Hortorticulturae. 889:41- 52. 
