Publications and Presentations:
Rupp, D. E., S. Li., P. W. Mote, K. Shell, N. Massey, S. N. Sparrow, D. C. H. Wallom, and M. R. Allen. 2017. Seasonal spatial patterns of projected anthropogenic warming in complex terrain: A modeling study of the western USA Climate Dynamics (48), 2191-2213, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3200-x.
Mote, P., M. Allen, R. Jones, S. Li, R. Mera, D. Rupp, A. Salahuddin, Vickers, D. 2016. Superensemble regional climate modeling for the Western United States. American Meteorological Society. 97:203–215. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00090.1.
Li, S., Mote, P., Rupp, D., Vickers, D. 2015. Evaluation of a regional climate modeling effort for the Western United States using a superensemble from Weather@home*. Journals of Climate. 30(2).
Rupp, D., Li, S., Massey, N., Sparrow, S., Mote, P. Allen, M. 2015. Anthropogenic influence on the changing likelihood of an exceptionally warm summer in Texas, 2011. Geophysical Research Letters. 42(7): 2392-2400.